Ladybug Word Search

Ladybugs are beloved insects among children. They are small, cute, and come in vibrant colors, making them perfect for a word search puzzle worksheet. Ladybugs are commonly known for their red wings and black dots, but did you know that there are over 5,000 species of ladybugs around the world? This word search puzzle worksheet will introduce kids to the different features of ladybugs and help them learn some interesting facts about this insect.

The words covered in this puzzle are: Abdomen, Antennae, Aphids, Beetle, Black, Coccinellidae, Colony, Eggs, Elytra, Flying, Forests, Good Luck, Grasslands, Harmless, Head, Insect, Ladybird, Larvae, Leaf, Pretty, Pronotum, Pupa, Red, Six Legs, Spots, Spring, and Wing.

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